Thursday 29 December 2011

Beauty secrets from around the world / Tajne lepote sa svih strana sveta

China: Women in Chine like to have pretty, beautiful, strong and shiny hair, so for that they use mixture of rosemary, water and green tea. They also drink green tea, which is one of the main things in their beauty. Using green, white, yellow or oolong tea in your diet is a wise move if you want to do a good thing for your health and beauty, these teas are rich with antioxidants, which help us to combat free radicals, whose harmful effects are reflected in diseases, malignantdiseases, dermatological diseases, and premature aging.
Egypt: A beautiful look begins with pearly white teeth. Women in Egypt are using a combination of baking soda, salt and lemon juice to brush teeth for the perfect smile. This is effective way for whitening teeth, but you may not use it more than once a week, to avoid damaging tooth enamel.
Ivory Coast: African women rely on amazing properties of sheabutter to moisturise the skin and use Rooibos tea as a natural substance that keeps skin young by using large amounts of antioxidants that tea contains.
Italy: For long, thick and strong lashes Italian women use castor oil (apply on the hair roots), and use it for strengthening hair and nails and regenerating dry skin. Women in Italy know the value of olive oil and use it to moisturise their lips, hair and body.

Israel: Women in Israel use black mud for beauty, which is also great for our health (treating skin diseases and helping people who have arthritis).Black mud, Israel specialists of climatology, pull out from the bottom of the Dead Sea, and it contains a lot of minerals which nourish the skin and regenerate it.
Philippines: Here, women use aloe vera gel to strengthen the hair (apply on the hair roots). Also, they use a mixture of fresh grated ginger and finely chopped lime as a remedy for dry skin.
Belgium: Belgium mink oil is popular in cosmetics and is used to reduce stretch marks and other skin irregularities. The oil is great for hydration too, even hair.
Spain: To obtain beautiful, shiny highlights, women in Spain wash their hair using half a cup of mineral water mixed with half cup of cranberry juice.
India: Coconut and almond oil Indian women use because of its hydration properties (for the whole body). Not only that, coconut oil promotes hair growth, while the almond oilis great for dry and damaged hair.


Kina: Kako bi imale lepu, snažnu i sjajnu kosu Kineskinje je ispiraju mešavinom ruzmarina, vode i zelenog čaja. Zeleni čaj i ispijaju, i on je još jedan razlog njihovog mladolikog izgleda. Uključivanje zelenog, belog, žutog ili oolong čaja u svoju ishranu je mudar potez ako jednim udarcem želite učiniti dobro za svoje zdravlje i lepotu, jer su ti čajevi bogati antioksidansima, koji nam pomažu u borbi sa slobodnim radikalima, čije se štetno delovanje očitava u bolestima, malignim oboljenjima, dermatološkim bolestima, i preranom starenju.
Egipat: Lep izgled počinje s biserno belim zubima. Žene u Egiptu koriste kombinaciju sode bikarbone, soli i soka od limuna kako bi iščetkale zube za savršen osmeh. Ovo je efikasan način izbeljivanja zuba, ali ne smete ga koristiti više od jednom nedeljno kako ne biste oštetili zubnu gleđ.
Obala Slonovače: Afričke žene se oslanjaju na neverovatna svojstva shea maslaca kako bi koži podarile hidrataciju i koriste Rooibos čaj kao prirodno sredstvo koje održava kožu mladom pomoću velikih količina antioksidansa koje čaj sadrži.
Italija: Za dugačke, guste i jake trepavice Italijanke koriste ricinusovo ulje (vatinim štapićem nanesite na koren dlake), a koriste ga i za jačanje kose i noktiju i obnavljanje suve kože. Italijanke veoma dobro znaju i vrednost maslinovog ulja i koriste ga za hidrataciju usana, kose i tela.
Izrael: Žene u svrhu lepote koriste crno blato, koje pomaže i zdravlju (leči kožne bolesti i pomaže ljudima koji imaju artritis). Crno blato izraelski specijalisti klimatologije izvlače s dna Mrtvog mora i ono sadrži niz minerala koji hrane kožu i obnavljaju je. Filipini: Ovde žene koriste Aloe vera gel za jačanje kose tako što ga utrljaju u koren dlake. Isto tako koriste mešavinu sveže naribanog đumbira i sitno naseckane limete kao lek za suvu kožu.
Belgija: Iako će se zaštitnici životinja na ovo naježiti, u Belgiji je ulje nerca popularno u kozmetici i koristi se za smanjivanje strija i drugih nepravilnosti kože. Ulje je odlično za hidrataciju kože, čak i kose.
Španija: Kako bi dobile lepe, sjajne pramenove brinete ispiraju kosu koristeći pola šoljice mineralne vode pomešano sa pola šoljice soka od brusnice.
Indija: Kokosovo i bademovo ulje se među Indijkama koriste u izdašnim količinama zbog svojih svojstava hidratacije (za celo telo). I ne samo to, kokosovo ulje podstiče rast kose, dok je bademovo ulje odličan za suvu i oštećenu kosu.

"Fashion and art!"

Recently I gave noticed that fashion could be connected to art.

When designers use flowing and chiffon and delicate and soft colours that screams romance and love it brings to mind the romantic art movement which I have been studding recently and it was while I was looking I found that there was a lot of this included and it looked so graceful and beautiful and of course romantic in a strange sort of way. I don't know if this influences designers or not but its so should as its perfects to inspire anyone!

I think this is the best representation of what I am trying to get across!

I am happy to know if you agree or not. Or even have something to add.