Monday 26 October 2009

Music and Fashion or Fashion and Music

How does music affect music? you may not think about it but Music is a huge influence in fashion, from your own personal style to the hottest trends in fashion. There are many ways that music affects one of the worlds largest industries. It may be musicians wearing a certain garments or having a certain style, it could be the hottest music and the image that accompanies that music genre, it could be the music a store plays and that stores image.

In the 60's The Beatles were huge, and everything from their suits to hair became the hottest trends for men's fashion. The 70's was the disco era; men were in bell bottoms and women in sequence; the styles that the artists of that era were wearing. In today's world especially, although their may not be a specific style accompanying today but Every artist from Pharrel and his hip hop street style to Amy Whinehouse and her beehive hair and edgy clothes are affecting what people wear and what designers are designing.

Musicians are also designing clothes now, everyone from Gwen Stefani to Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift seem to have a fashion line. The celebrities own styles are reflected in these lines and thus influencing what people wear.

Here's what some people think
Style Mania said that we watch music videos to see what artists are wearing in the videos, and that when walking down the street and you notice a random person you can basically guess what type of music they listen to by their style.

In this forum the discussion ranges from people thinking that music influences fashion to fashion influences music.

On this blog SamB has the same idea that the other forum had about music influencing fashion and visa verse.

Now what do you think?

Quick Bio

My name is Joshua I have loved fashion and business since the age of 3. My mother owns a store and cafe and it is she that probably sparked my love for fashion, she's taken me all around the world since I was little and exposing me to different people, places, and culture. I now help my mom with the management aspect of her businesses; exposing me to the business world first hand. I'm a senior this year and next year I plan on attending F.I.T. to get by AAS in Fashion Merchandising Management and then go on to get my BA in International Trade and Marketing in the Fashion Industries.

I now attend the Albany CTE for Global Fashion Studies. The class focuses on the fashion industry and all the aspects of it; it is a two year program. The first year is an overview of Fashion Merchandising, and in the second year we take a closer look at Fashion Marketing and Retailing. The class exposes you to many experiences and opportunity; in February I'm taking an extension of the class on a trip to Paris and London.

The purpose of this blog is for my class and for my fashion portfolio requirments, and for research credit. Also to discuss everything fashion.