Monday 2 May 2011

Recipe: Cauliflower Pie / Pita od karfiola


You'll need:
3 pounds of cauliflower
4 eggs
100g of sour cream
6 tablespoons of (sunflower) oil
half tablespoon of salt
6g of baking powder
2-3dl of milk or yogurt
12 tablespoons of flour

How to prepare:
In the salted boiling water add cauliflower (in pieces) and cook it for about 10 minutes. Then put it in a greased (3 tablespoons of oil) casserole and then add prepared dough. How to prepare dough? Well, first separate egg yolks and egg whites. (in the meantime turn on the oven on 200C) Whisk egg whites with mixer. Then whisk egg yolk (also with mixer) with half tablespoon of salt, 100g of sour cream, 1-1.5dl of milk/yogurt, 12 tablespoons of flour and with baking powder. Then gradually add 1-1.5dl of milk/yogurt and 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil. And whisk it for like 10 seconds. Then combine this with egg whites and overflow with it cauliflower in casserole, and put it to bake in oven. Bake for about 30-40 minutes.


Trebaće vam:
1.5kg karfiola
4 jaja
100g kisele pavlake
6 kašike (suncokretovo) ulje
pola kašike soli
6g praška za pecivo
2-3dl mleka ili jogurta
12 kašika brašna

Kako pripremiti:
U slanoj ključaloj vodi dodati karfiol (iskidanog u komade) i kuvajte ga oko 10 minuta . Zatim stavite ga u podmazanu (3 kašike ulja) tepsiju , a zatim dodajte pripremljeno testo . Kako pripremiti testo? Pa , prvo odvojite žumanca i belanca. ( u medjuvremenu uključite rernu na 200 stepeni ) Umutite belanca sa mikserom. Tada umutite žumance (takođe mikserom) sa pola kašike soli , 100g kisele pavlake , 1-1.5dl mleka / jogurta , 12 kašika brašna i praškom za pecivo . Zatim postepeno dodajte 1-1.5dl mleka/jogurta i 3 kašike suncokretovog ulja. To mutiti otprilike 10 sekundi, pa pomešati sa belancima. Preliti preko karfiola u tepsiji, i staviti da se peče u rerni . Pecite oko 30-40 minuta.