Monday 4 April 2011

Fashion photography / Modne fotografije #1

I thought you'd like to see some fashion photos, so here they are! Do you like it? Which one is your favorite?

Mislila sam da biste voleli da vidite neke modne fotografije, pa evo ih! Sviđaju vam se? Koja vam je omiljena?

My opinion: Dresses are absolutely beautiful and stunning! They are perfect for special dinners and meetings, dances, prom.... Of course, they're dark, but they are gorgeous! Also, background is perfect and great job to photographer. What's your opinion?

Moje mišljenje: Haljine su apsolutno prelepe i izvanredne! Savršene su za specijalne večere i sastanke, plesove, veliku maturu.... Naravno, tamne su, ali su fantastične! Takođe, pozadina je savršena i svaka čast potografu. Šta vi mislite?

*Photographer: Andrea Klarin

xoxo Jelena