Sunday 3 April 2011

Exercising - part of my life / Vežbanje - deo mog života

All the time I hear people saying that they need to lose weight, that they'll go to the gym, exercise... But for some reason they never do it.
I don't know why, or maybe I do? I used to be that person, I used to set alarm for 5 AM to go running, and what did I do? I woke up, eat something not really healthy, wait for an hour, because 'my stomach hurts'. After an hour I said: 'well I don't have time time, I will run tomorrow'. And that is it! Every day I was doing the same...
Back in those days, I ate unhealthy food (chips, fast food, pizza...), also, I had Coke three times a day! Now you can see how I was wrong in everything. But I never gained weight, until those 20-30 days before I realized that I want to change my habits and life. So, in few weeks I gained like 10 kilograms, that was the worst time of my life.
Then, I made my Goal list. First goal was just to exercise three times per week. OK, so I did that in no time. Next thing was to say 'Goodbye' to sweets, that was little harder, but I did it. Now, every 5th day i eat something sweet (in just ONE meal). Then I started going to the gym, some girls were motivating me, trainers helping me... And that's how exercising became habit. Next goal was to take care of my meals. I started, day by day, to eat more proteins and less carbs. Why? Because I heard that that works, and I proved it! I was drinking a lot of water and green tea (no more Coke, and Juices, and those crap drinks that ruined me).
I realized that I was happier (I'm still happy, always laughing, glowing) and the most important: healthier!
Exercise is part of my life! I can't imagine week without exercising (oh, and I also start running, 'cause it's pretty outside), well I can.. I was sick, so I couldn't do my training, and I feel like something is missing. I feel like part of me is gone. But, I have to wait just three more days to get back on track :) Yay!
I still can't watch my friends when they're eating bad food and drinking Coca-Cole, Coke, Pepsi.... I just don't understand why they find happiness in that?! Don't they know how great feeling is after you finish training? How great feeling is when you see results in mirror?
I always wanted to be active in old days, I hope that my wish will come true :)

Healthy life rules :) Who agrees? 

If you have any questions about my life or diet or training, feel free to aks :) There will be more posts like this :) I hope you like it, and that you enjoyed. See you soon!


Stalno čujem ljude kako govore da treba da smršaju, da treba da idu u teretanu, da vežbaju... Ali zbog nekog razloga to nikada ne urade.
Ne znam zašto, ili možda znam? ja sam bila ta osoba, navijala sam sat na 5 sati ujutro da bih išla trčati, i šta sam ja uradila? Ustala sam, jela nešto ne baš zdravo, sačekala sat vremena jer me je 'stomak boleo'. Posle sat vremena sam rekla: 'pa sada nemam vremena, sutra ću trčati'. I to je to! Svaki dan sam radila isto...
Nazad u te dane, jela sam nezdravu hranu (čips, brzu hranu, picu...), takođe sam pila Coke tri puta dnevno! Sada možete videti kako sam u svemu grešila. Ali nikad se nisam ugojila, sve do 20-30 dana pre nego što sam odlučila da želim da promenim moje navike i život. U prvih nekoliko nedelja sam se ugojila 10 kilograma, to su bili najgori dani mog života.
Onda sam napravila moju Listu ciljeva. Prvi cilj je bio da vežbam tri puta nedeljno. U redu, to sam uradila sa kratko vreme. Sledeća stvar je bila da se oprostim od slatkiša, to je bilo malo teže, ali uspela sam. Sada, svaki peti dan pojedem nešto slatko (samo za JEDAN obrok). Onda sam počela ići i u teretanu, neke devojke su me i motivisale, treneri pomagali... I tako je vežbanje postalo navika. Sledeći cilj mi je bio da povedem računa o ishrani. Počela sam, dan za danom, da jedem više proteina a manje ugljenih hidrata. Zašto? Zato što sam čula da to funkcioniše, i dokazala sam! Pila sam puno vode i zelenog čaja (A ne koka kolu, razne sokove i ostale gluposti koje su me uništile). Primetila sam da sam srećnija (i sada sam srećna, uvek nasmejana, blistam) i što je najvažnije: zdravija!
Vežbanje je deo mog života! Ne mogu zamisliti da prođe nedelja a ja da ne vežbam (oh, i počela sam ići na trčanje, vreme se prolepšalo pa je napolju prelepo), zapravo i mogu... Bila sam bolesna, pa nisam mogla odraditi treninge i osećam se kao da nešto nedostaje, osećam kao da je deo mene nestao. Ali, treba da čekam još samo tri dana pa da nastavim sa vežbanjem i normalnom ishranom. :) Jej!
Još uvek ne mogu da gledam moje prijatelje kada jedu brzu kranu i piju Koka-kolu, Koktu, Pepsi... Stvarno ne mogu razumeti zašto pronalaze sreću u tome?! Zar ne znaju kako je izvaredan osećaj posle treninga? Kako je izvanredan osećaj kada vidiš rezultate u ogledalu?
Uvek sam želela da budem aktivna u starim danima, i nadam se da će se moja želja ostvariti :)

Zdrav život je najbolji :) Ko se slaže sa mnom?

Ako imate neko pitanje u vezi mog života ili dijete ili treninga, slobodno pitajte :) Biće još ovakvih postova :) Nadam se da vam se svidelo, i da ste uživali. Vidimo se uskoro!

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