Thursday 28 April 2011

Rice Water? - 'Pirinčana voda?'

Rice is very healthy, not just like a food, but also for your skin too!
Today, I was cooking rice for breakfast, I decided to try to make this toner/lotion. I mean, it is really simple to make, but this is the first time I tried something like this :)
Instead of 'trying' to explain how I made it, I thought it's better to find you video so you can watch it :)
Also, in this video, Michelle is showing how to make a mask too. I didn't try it, but I will soon.
Pirinač je veoma zdrav, ne samo kao hrana, nego i za vašu kožu!
Danas, dok sam kuvala pirinač sebi za doručak, odlučila sam da napravim ovaj losion. Mislim, veoma je jednostavno napraviti, samo je ovo prvi put da pravim nešto ovako :)
Umesto da vam 'pokušam' objasniti postupak pravljenja, pomislila sam da je bolje da nađem video koji možete lepo odgledati :)
Takođe, u ovom video, Mišel pokazuje kako da napravite masku za lice. Nisam probala, ali ću uskoro.

xoxo Jelena

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Hair Bow / Mašna od kose

There are tons of tutorials on youtube, and there are many many MANY girls explaining how to make hair bow. So I chose few od them, and here are videos:
I hope you'll enjoy and try to make it :)

Postoji jako puno tutorijala na youtube-u, i ima tako puno puno PUNO devojaka koje objašnjavaju kako da napravite mašnu od kose. Izabrala sam neke od njih, i evo videa:
Nadam se da ćete uživati, kao i pokušati napraviti :)


And here is MY hair bow! It's a little bit messy, but I like it :) / I evo moje mašne! Malo je neuredna, ali mi se sviđa :)

Like it? / Sviđa vam se? 

xoxo Jelena

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Nicolaas de Bruin Photography #3

ENGLISH: Amazing photos!!! I really really REALLY love it! 
What do you think

SERBIAN: Izvanredne fotografije!!! Jako jako JAKO mi se sviđaju! 
Šta vi mislite?

Photographer: Nicolaas de Bruin

xoxo Jelena

Monday 18 April 2011

Music day!! / Dan muzike!!

Today, I've been listening to some cool songs, so here they are. It's Music day!
Danas sam slušala neke super pesme, pa evo ih. Dan muzike je!

xoxo Jelena

Saturday 16 April 2011

Recipe: Macaroni Cheese Pie / Pita sa sirom i makaronima

This picture is taken by me, if you want to use it, contact me.
ENGLISH (engleski):

You will need:
- Fresh cheese (made with 1.5 - 2 litres of milk)
- 1 tablespoon of salt
- Macaroni (400-500g)
- 200g of sour cream
- 4 eggs
- 5 tablespoons of (sunflower) oil
- 6g of baking powder

How to make it:
In boiling water put half tablespoon of salt and Macaroni. Let it cooks few minutesThen, filter it and rinse with water. Turn on oven to 200 degrees and let it heat up. During this time, in a bowl mix cheese with a half tablespoon of salt, 4 eggs, 200g sour cream, 2 tablespoons of oil, and mix it well. Then add Macaroni and baking powder. Stir it gently and pour into greased casserole. Put it to bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees. Bake for about an hour and fifteen minutes. 
Bon appetite!


SERBIAN (srpski)

Trebaće vam:
- mladi sir (napravljen sa 1.5 - 2 litre mleka)
- kašika soli
- kesica Makarona (od 400 ili 500g)
- 200g pavlake
- 4 jaja
- 5 kašika (suncokretovog) ulja
- 6g (pola kesice) praška za pecivo

U ključalu vodu sipati pola kašike soli i kesicu Makarona. Ostaviti da se kuva nekoliko minuta. Zatim procediti i isprati vodom. Ukopčajte rernu na 200 stepeni i sačekajte da se zagreje. Za to vreme pomešati mladi sir, pola kašike soli, 4 jaja, 200g pavlake, 2 kašike ulja, i dobro promešati sve to. Potom dodati Makarone i 6g (pola kesice) praška za pecivo. Lagano promešati i sipati u podmazanu tepsiju. Zatim staviti da se peče u zagrejanu rernu na 200 stepeni. Peći oko sat vremena i petnaest minuta.


This picture is taken by me, if you want to use it, contact me.

xoxo Jelena

Friday 15 April 2011

Blue, this summer? / Plavo, ovog leta?

Would you wear blue clothes this summer? There are some amazing dresses, pants, shirts... and more, and it's  blue! Everything is BLUE! Hehe, I don't know about you, but I really like it :) Tell us what you think :) Leave comment :)


Nosili biste plavu odeću ovog leta? Postoji puno zaista prelepih haljina, pantalona, majica... i još mnogo toga, i plavo je! Sve je PLAVO! Hehe, ne znam za vas, ali meni se jako sviđa :) Recite nam šta vi mislite :) Ostavite komentar :)

                                                                                                             xoxo Jelena

Wednesday 13 April 2011

20 reasons to start exercising! / 20 razloga da počnete vežbati!

HI don't know about you girls, but for me exercising is really important.
Here are 20 reasons why you should, go running, or exercise in gym or at home, go swimming, walking and more... :)

1. Summer is coming, and that means that we'll wear shorts, t-shirts, tank tops.... you want to look good in those hot summer days? Right?
2. Exercising speeds up your metabolism, it will reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass.
3. You will have fun if you exercise with friends, so: FUN + TRAINING = great time and fit body
4. You'll have more strength :) Exercising raises your energy levels!
5. Wanna smile all day long? Well exercising helps you with that!
6. You will feel more confident, trust me ;)
7. With healthy meals and trainings you can lose weight and tone your body, that looks good, right?
8. You know that fast food isn't good for your body, but if you exercise you'll be able to eat every 5th or 6th day whatever you want without judging yourself :)
9. Setting your goals, and reaching it with exercising, will make you continue living healthy.
10. Your immune system will be stronger, which means that trainings are protecting you from certain illnesses like cancer, osteoporosis and diabetes :)
11. If you're going in a gym, or run where other joggers go, or if you join some sport club, you will meet new people, become friends with them and have fun :)
12. Exercising brings glow to your skin. Your hair, skin, nails... will look healthier :)
13. It helps you with studying! Scientists proved that you remember more things and learn better if you exercise :)
14. In 10 years you will look younger than your friends who weren't exercising :)
15. Exercising reduces stress!
16. You will sleep better and have nice dreams :)
17. Your heart health will be improved.
18. Also, training helps with lower blood pressure.
19. Flexibility? Well, yes, exercising improves that too! :)
20. Do you really need 20th reasons? Just do your training, fell amazing and smile!


Pa ne znam za vas, devojke, ali meni je vežbanje veoma važno.
Evo 20 razloga zašto da krenete da trčite, ili da vežbate u teretani ili kod kuće, možda da plivate, šetate i još mnogo toga :)

1. Leto dolazi što znači da su šorcevi, majice na kratke rukave i na bretele obavezni... želite da izgledate dobro tih letnjih vrućih dana? Zar ne?
2. Vežbanje ubrzava metabolizam, smanjuje telesnu masu a povećava mišićnu masu :)
3. Zabavljaćeš se ako vežbaš sa prijateljima: ZABAVA + TRENING = super provedeno vreme i zgodno telo.
4. Imaćeš više snage :) Vežbanje povećava nivo energije :)
5. Želiš da se smeješ celog dana? Pa vežbanje ti može pomoći u tome :)
6. Imaćete više samopouzdanja, verujte mi :)
7. Zajedno sa zdravim obrocima i vežbanjem smršaćete i oblikovati svoje telo, zvuči dobro, zar ne?
8. Znate da brza hrana nije dobra za vaše telo, ali ako vežbate vi ćete moći pojesti svakog petog ili šestog dana bilo šta što želite, ma koliko nezdravo to bilo, a da se ne osuđujete posle :)
9. Postavljanje ciljeva i ostvarenje istih će vas motivisati da nastavite ovakvim životom.
10. Imuni sistem će biti jači, što znači da će vas vaši treninzi zaštititi od raznih bolesti, kao što su rak, osteoporoza, dijabetis i još mnogo drugih bolesti... :)
11. Ako odete u teretanu, ili tamo gde ostali trkači idu, ili ako se učlanite u neki sportski klub, upoznaćete nove ljude, družićete se i biće vam zabavno!
12. Vežbanje čini kožu lepom i blistavom. Vaša kosa, nokti, koža... će izgledati zdravije :)
13. Pomaže vam oko učenja! Naučnici su dokazali da ako vežbamo možemo zapamtiti više stvari, kao i bolje učiti.
14. Za 10 godina ćete izgledati mlađe od svojih prijatelja koji nisu vežbali. 
15. Vežbanje uništava stres :)
16. Bolje ćete spavati i imaćete lepe snove :)
17. Zdravlje vašeg srca će biti mnogo bolje!
18. Takođe, vežbanje pomaže i snižavanju krvnog pritiska.
19. Fleksibilnost? Pa, da, vežbanje i na to utiče!
20. Da li vam je zaista potreban 20. razlog? Samo odvežbajte svoj trening, osećajte se izvanredno i smejte se :)

xoxo Jelena